Company and Brand Presentation
Elsumo would hereby like to express our gratitude for making your time available to us, this has granted the opportunity for us to present our company. We believe that our services together with our product range can be a value add to your requirements.
Please do not hesitate to make contact with Gerhard email on how we are able to assist with any product offering of support within the Sewage Water transfer or Bulk water supply fields.
Please persue our About Us page to find out more about the company and familiarize yourslef with our Porduct Range to find out more about how we can aid your pumping requirements.
Please find below the presentation links that where introduced in above meeting.
Elsumo Intro and History
Elsumo Company Profile
Project Portfolio
Product Overview
Company Walk-through CPT
Caprari K+ Energy
Delegation Presentation
Installation Video Presentation